Ön Koşul
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Eğitim Hakkında
Eğitimlerimize %80 oranında katılım gösterilmesi ve eğitim müfredatına göre uygulanacak sınav/projelerin başarıyla tamamlanması durumunda, eğitimin sonunda dijital ve QR kod destekli “BT Akademi Başarı Sertifikası” verilmektedir.
Eğitim İçeriği
- Plan architectures with Domain Driven Design (DDD)
- CLI workspaces and monorepos with Nx (Nrwl Extensions)
- Develop and distribute reusable npm packages
- Categorize for libraries, modules and components
- Enforce architecture specifications with access restrictions
- Build performance: Incremental builds and tests and caching
- Integration into the CI process
- Customizable libraries with advanced DI patterns and content projection
- The open / closed principle in Angular
- From strategic design to micro frontends
- Advantages and disadvantages of Micro Frontends
- Mono Repos vs. multiple repos
- Use Webpack Module Federation to load separately compiled and provided micro frontends
- Dynamic Module Federation
- Sharing dependencies
- Dealing with different versions and version mismatches
- Communication between Micro Frontends
- Cross-framework development with Angular Elements and Web Components
- The state layer and your Strategic Design (DDD)
- NGRX: When, When Not and Alternatives?
- Use the Redux approach with NGRX
- Types of states
- Building Blocks: Actions, Reducers
- Selectors and view models
- Effects and side effects
- Generate building blocks with Schematics
- Manage entities with @ ngrx / entities
- Practical handling of Immutables
- Facades as the linchpin
- Introduce NGRX gradually
- NGRX and lazy loading of modules
- Local states with the brand new NGRX / Component store
- Lazy Loding with and without a router
- Data binding performance with OnPush
- Differential serving
- AOT and Tree Shaking
- Analyzing bundles
- Web Worker and the CLI
- Customizations at runtime
- Customer-specific adaptations at compiletime
- Adjustments via DI
- Configuration options
- Connect existing identity solutions such as Active Directory
- Social login (login with Facebook, etc.)
- OAuth 2 as well as 2.1 and OpenId Connect
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Token refresh
- Single sign out
- Current recommendations of the OAuth 2 Working Group and consequences
- Reactive thinking and reactive design
- Chaining / piping of operators
- Combination operators
- Higher-order observables
- Implicitly and explicitly closing Obervables
- Cold and hot observables (multicasting)
- Using subjects
- Error handling
- Debugging
- I18N pipes
- Translations with the Angular Compiler (Runtime I18N)
- Translations with ngx-translate
- I18N and inputs
- Web Components with Ivy and Angular Elements
- Lazy loading of components
- Ivy and I18N
- Create components at runtime
- Zone-less change detection
- Higher Order Components
- A future without NgModules
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