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Eğitim İçeriği
▪ GIT Core Concepts& Commands İn Depth
▪ GIT Advanced Workflows With Real Time Examples From Clone To Push With Merge Conflicts
▪ Integrate GIT Bitbucket With Jira
▪ GIT And Bitbucket Works Together To Create Strong Version Control System
▪ Advanced GIT Commands Like, Rebase, Squash, Cherry Pick, Amend, Bisect, Revert , Reset Etc
▪ Git Tagging And How To Create The Tags For The Commits İn The Branch
▪ Bitbucket Pipelines To Check The Code After Every GIT Commits And Pull Requests
▪ Source Tree For Managing Git Activities From The GUI
▪ "How Can I Edit/Delete My Last Commit?"
▪ "What İs The Difference Between A Merge And A Rebase?"
▪ "How To Squash Multiple Commits To One Commit"?
▪ "How To Time Travel To Past Commit And Make Changes"
▪ "How To Find The Error Commit From The Bunch Of Commits"?
▪ "What İs The Stash?"
▪ "How To Reset The Changes Made İn Staging, Working Directories"?
▪ "How To Add Commit From One Branch To Another?
▪ "How To Bring Back A Deleted Commit?"
▪ "What İs The Difference Between A Local Tracking Branch And A Remote Tracking Branch?"
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