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Eğitimlerimize %80 oranında katılım gösterilmesi ve eğitim müfredatına göre uygulanacak sınav/projelerin başarıyla tamamlanması durumunda, eğitimin sonunda dijital ve QR kod destekli “BT Akademi Başarı Sertifikası” verilmektedir.
Eğitim İçeriği
▪ Exercise: Your Stakeholder Needs
▪ Exercise: Three Improvement Ideas
▪ Performance Excellence & CMMI
▪ Exercise: Performance & Capability – Examples
▪ Exercise: Excellent Companies - Examples
▪ CMMI V2 Product Suite
▪ Exercise: Online Model Viewer Access (Walkthrough)
▪ Exercise: What's New (for V1.3 Fans), What's Interesting (For Everyone Else)
▪ CMMI V2 Model Structure
▪ Categories, Capability Areas
▪ Practice Areas (PAs), Practice Groups (Levels), Practices
▪ Views
▪ Exercise: Capability Areas
▪ Exercise: Practice Area Structure
▪ Doing the Work
▪ Overview of PAs Specific to the Following Capability Areas (detailed in add-on courses):
▪ Engineering and Developing Products (EDP)
▪ Delivering and Managing Services (DMS)
▪ Selecting and Managing Suppliers (SMS)
▪ Exercise: Identifying Capability Areas and Practice Areas
▪ Ensuring Quality (ENQ)
▪ Requirements Development and Management (RDM)
▪ Process Quality Assurance (PQA)
▪ Verification and Validation (VV)
▪ Peer Reviews (PR)
▪ Exercise: Practice Area Abbreviations
▪ Planning and Managing Work (PMW)
▪ Estimating (EST)
▪ Planning (PLAN)
▪ Monitor and Control (MC)
▪ Exercise: Capability Areas
▪ Managing Business Resilience (MBR)
▪ Risk and Opportunity Management (RSK)
▪ Day 1 Wrap-up
▪ Exercise: I Know, I Still Want to Know
▪ Exercise: Name the PA
▪ Homework Assignment
▪ Warm-up
▪ Exercise: One-Word Feedback (How's Class So Far?)
▪ Exercise: Assign PAs to Your Improvement Ideas
▪ Exercise: Name the PA
▪ Sustaining Habit & Persistence (SHP)
▪ Governance (GOV)
▪ Implementation Infrastructure (II)
▪ Exercise: Map GOV/II Practices to Organizational Success Factors
▪ Supporting Implementation (SI)
▪ Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR)
▪ Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR)
▪ Configuration Management (CM)
▪ Exercise: PA Abbreviations
▪ The Hidden Practice Area! (Organizational Training [OT])
▪ Improving Performance (IMP)
▪ Process Management (PCM)
▪ Process Asset Development (PAD)
▪ Managing Performance and Measurement (MPM)
▪ Exercise: Practice Area Relationships
▪ Exercise: Identifying Practices
▪ Maturity & Capability Levels
▪ Exercise: Elevator Speeches
▪ Appraisals
▪ Putting It All Together
▪ Exercise: Name the PA
▪ Exercise: Scenario Evaluation
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