Ön Koşul
Eğitim Hakkında
Linux Sistem Yönetimi eğitimi, kurulum, yapılandırma ve sorun giderme ile birlikte size Linux yönetiminin temelleri hakkında ayrıntılı bir genel bakış sağlayacaktır.
Kimler içindir?
All existing administrators, developers, analysts, indeed, all users who find themselves looking after a Linux box. Also, experienced Unix Administrators who need to port their skills to Linux.
Eğitimlerimize %80 oranında katılım gösterilmesi ve eğitim müfredatına göre uygulanacak sınav/projelerin başarıyla tamamlanması durumunda, eğitimin sonunda dijital ve QR kod destekli “BT Akademi Başarı Sertifikası” verilmektedir.
Eğitim İçeriği
▪ Installing CentOS 7
▪ Log in to a Linux system and run simple commands using the shell.
▪ Copy, move, create, delete, and organize files from the bash shell prompt.
▪ Resolve problems by getting help.
▪ Create, view, and edit text files from command output or in an editor.
▪ Manage local Linux users and groups, and administer local password policies.
▪ Set Linux file system permissions on files and interpret the security effects of different permission settings.
▪ Obtain information about the system, and control processes running on it.
▪ Control and monitor network services and system daemons using systemd.
▪ Access and provide access to the cmd on remote systems securely using OpenSSH.
▪ Locate and accurately interpret relevant system log files for troubleshooting purposes.
▪ Configure basic IPv4 networking
▪ Archive files and copy them from one system to another.
▪ Download, install, update, and manage software packages from EPEL and yum package repositories.
▪ Access and inspect existing file systems on a CentOS 7 system.
▪ Create and use CentOS Linux virtual machines with KVM and libvirt.
Neden Bu Eğitimi Almalısınız ?
▪ Installing CentOS 7 Linux, Access CLI, Managing Files, getting help
▪ Create, view, and edit text files from the command line, Manage local Linux users and groups, Permissions
▪ Processes, Controlling Service and Daemons, Configure SSH, Analyze and store logs
▪ Configuring Networking, archiving files, Configuring Package Manager
▪ Access Linux file systems, configure the virtualized system
Önemli Notlar
Program ücretlerine KDV dahil değildir.