Ön Koşul
Eğitim Hakkında
Bu kursta, Oracle NoSQL Veritabanının ne olduğunu, özelliklerinin ve faydalarının neler olduğunu ve nasıl kullanılacağını öğreneceksiniz.
Kimler içindir?
▪ Uygulama Geliştiricileri
▪ Veritabanı Yöneticileri
▪ Java geliştirici
Eğitimlerimize %80 oranında katılım gösterilmesi ve eğitim müfredatına göre uygulanacak sınav/projelerin başarıyla tamamlanması durumunda, eğitimin sonunda dijital ve QR kod destekli “BT Akademi Başarı Sertifikası” verilmektedir.
Eğitim İçeriği
▪ Defining Big Data
▪ Big Data Evolution
▪ Introducing NoSQL Database
▪ NoSQL Database versus RDBMS
▪ Consideration Points Before Opting for NoSQL Database
▪ Oracle Big Data Solution
▪ Defining the Oracle NoSQL Database
▪ Key Features and Benefits
▪ Supported Data Types
▪ How Does the Oracle NoSQL Database Work?
▪ Defining the Oracle NoSQL Database
▪ Key Features and Benefits
▪ Supported Data Types
▪ How Does the Oracle NoSQL Database Work?
▪ Schema Structure
▪ What is a Key Component?
▪ Identifying the Major Key
▪ Identifying the Minor Key
▪ How is a Key Stored in the Oracle NoSQL Database?
▪ Design Considerations for Key Components
▪ What is a Value Component?
▪ Types of Value Component
▪ Understanding the Write and Read Process
▪ Understanding Consistency
▪ Default Consistency
▪ Applying Consistency
▪ Predefined Consistency
▪ Time Based Consistency
▪ Version Based Consistency
▪ Understanding the Write Process
▪ Understanding Durability
▪ Default Durability
▪ Applying Durability
▪ Synchronization Based Durability
▪ Acknowledgement Based Durability
▪ Credit card approval application
▪ Analyzing the Data
▪ Designing the Schema
▪ Identifying the Key Structure
▪ APIs: Overview
▪ Tasks of the Administrator
▪ KVStore Components: Review
▪ Replication Nodes, Shards, and Partitions
▪ Balancing a KVStore
▪ Security
▪ Defining Key Terms (Latency, Throughput, Cache)
▪ Steps to Deploy a KVStore (Plan, Install, Configure Installation, Configure KVStore)
▪ Analyze Workload and Identify Hardware Resources, Install storage nodes, Configure Installation
▪ Analysis: Tasks
▪ Estimating Record Size
▪ Estimating Workload
▪ Determining Throughput Requirements
▪ Determining Store Configuration
▪ Determining Store Configuration
▪ Prerequisites Checklist
▪ Installation Steps
▪ Creating Directories
▪ Extracting Software
▪ Verifying the Installation
▪ Steps for Configuring the Installation
▪ Using the makebootconfig Utility
▪ Configuration Tools
▪ Introducing Plans
▪ States/Life cycle of a Plan
▪ Reviewing and Tracking Plans
▪ Introducing the Admin Console
▪ Configuring KVStore
▪ Creating a Data Center
▪ Creating a Storage Pool
▪ Introducing KVStore Parameters
▪ Parameters List
▪ Viewing Parameters
▪ Changing Parameters Using CLI
▪ Changing Parameters Using Admin Console
▪ Setting Admin Parameters
▪ Setting Storage Node Parameters
▪ Setting Replication Node Parameters
▪ Factors Affecting KVStore Performance
▪ Introducing JE Cache Size
▪ Estimating JE Cache Size
▪ Setting JE Cache Size
▪ Introducing Java Heap Size
▪ Optimizing Key Size
▪ Logging Garbage Collection Activity
▪ Backup Process
▪ Introducing Snapshots
▪ Using Snapshots (commands to create, remove, list, and remove all)
▪ Managing Snapshots
▪ Methods to Recover KVStore
▪ Recovering KVStore: Using a Load Program
▪ Recovering KVStore: Using a Snapshot
▪ Updating an Existing Deployment
▪ Verifying a KVStore
▪ Monitoring a KVStore
▪ Replacing a Failed Storage Node
▪ Fixing Incorrect HA Port Ranges
▪ KVStore Handle
▪ Creating a KVStore Handle
▪ Using KVStoreFactory Class
▪ KVStoreFactory Class Definition
▪ Using KVStoreConfig Class
▪ KVStoreConfig Class Definition
▪ Creating a KVStore Handle: Example
▪ View KVStore Parameters' Default Values
▪ Structure of a Record: Review
▪ Creating a Key Component: Overview
▪ Creating a Major Key Component
▪ Creating a Minor Key Component
▪ Creating a Key: Examples
▪ Creating Value Components: Overview
▪ Creating a Value Component
▪ Creating Value Components: Examples
▪ The Load Process
▪ Creating a Load Program
▪ Methods Available to Write Records to KVStore
▪ Using the put() Method
▪ Reviewing a Sample Load Program
▪ Identify the Record Structure of the Sample Data
▪ Running the Sample Load Program
▪ Retrieving Records Methods: Overview
▪ Using get()
▪ get(): Example
▪ Using multiGet()
▪ mutiGet(): Example
▪ Key Range
▪ Creating a Key Range
▪ Key Depth
▪ Methods: Overview
▪ putIfAbsent(): Use Case
▪ Performing a Create Operation
▪ putIfPresent(): Use Case
▪ Performing an Update Operation
▪ Deleting a Single Record
▪ Deleting a Single Record: Example
▪ Deleting Multiple Records
▪ Understanding Exceptions
▪ Oracle NoSQL Database Exceptions
▪ RequestTimeout Exception
▪ Methods that Throw RequestTimeout Exception
▪ Handling RequestTimeout Exception
▪ RequestLimit Exception
▪ Methods that Throw RequestLimit Exception
▪ Handling RequestLimit Exception
▪ Consistency: Review
▪ Viewing the Default Consistency
▪ Using Pre-defined Consistencies
▪ Over-riding the Default Consistency
▪ Changing the Default Consistency
▪ Creating Time Based Consistency
▪ Creating Version Based Consistency
▪ Durability: Review
▪ Viewing the Default Durability
▪ Setting Synchronization-based Durability
▪ Creating a New Durability Policy
▪ Transactional Operation
▪ Executing a Transactional Operation
▪ OperationFactory: Methods
▪ Handling Exceptions
Neden Bu Eğitimi Almalısınız ?
Upon Completion of this Course, you will accomplish following:
▪ Monitoring and optimizing performance of Oracle NoSQL Database.
▪ Performing backup and recovery along with routine troubleshooting activities.
▪ Creating applications with APIs in Oracle NoSQL Database.
▪ Understanding Big Data and know when to use the NoSQL Database.
▪ Describing the key components, benefits and features of NoSQL Database.
▪ Installing and configuring Oracle NoSQL Database.
Önemli Notlar
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